Free hack: here is a specific scam used by scammers to trick you with stolen data

Free hack: here is a specific scam used by scammers to trick you with stolen data

The data leak after the cyberattack on the Free operator is currently being used again by hackers. The person the scammers are targeting will tell us about their scheme. Name, name, address, IBAN… all these data are currently reused by fraudsters. Cyber ​​attack against Free revealed at the end of October allowed everyday cybercriminals to … Read more

Data breach affected Auchan, affecting half a million customers

Data breach affected Auchan, affecting half a million customers

Two names have just been added to the already very long list of French companies victims of data breaches: the magazine Le Point and, above all, the mass distribution brand Auchan. The end of the year apparently rhymes with data breaches, in 2024. Within a few months, many French companies have been hit by cyber … Read more